contact Emerson staff by filling out this form to schedule a specific time and date a WEEK IN ADVANCE. Organizers and attendees must agree to the following:
- Sign a covenant of care.
- Track attendees in the event contact tracing is necessary.
- Adhere to the defined process for building access.
- Set up and clean up all used areas.
Outdoor gatherings occurring Monday through Friday during the day may use Westwood Hall restrooms and outdoor gatherings occurring weekday evenings (after 6:30pm) and Saturday and Sunday may use Delaney Hall restrooms.
Westwood Hall gatherings must adhere to the following guidelines:
- Capacity is limited to 15 people.
- Individuals must be distanced at least 6ft apart.
- Individuals must wear masks.
- Individuals are responsible for the set up and clean up of the area.
The CDC recently announced that vaccinated individuals may gather in groups both outdoors and indoors without a mask. We are excited about the possibilities this will allow us in the future; however, at this time, we are asking individuals to continue wearing masks indoors until the COVID-19 Taskforce can meet to discuss the impacts of this on operations.
We cannot wait to see each and every one of you in the upcoming months.]]>