Happy New Year!

January 12th to 14th we host a weekend-long rally of about eighty teenagers (and their accompanying chaperones) from across Texas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and maybe states beyond! Why would we open our building to such an event? Immersive programs of learning, service, and fun develop bonds and leadership for our emerging Unitarian Universalists. I’ve been working with Houston-area youth on plans since September, and I’m awed to work with these great young people. You can help make this event a sweet success – drop off a treat or volunteer to help out for a few hours during the weekend – check out opportunities.

We’re back from the holidays with a full Sunday School schedule, with all ages taking part in Turnings (Milestones) services on January 7th. And don’t forget our annual meeting after the service on January 28th– we provide caregivers, snacks, and activities for children so parents can attend.

Thanks to all who have dropped off cold weather clothes and sleeping bags under our Mitten tree– we’ll deliver those donations after service on January 7th. And in the second half of January we’ll collect canned goods to support the Houston Food Bank February 4th with our Souper Bowl of Caring!

See you soon!
Katy Carpman
Director of Religious Education

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