Sum. He muses on the possibility that a human being might decide in the next life to be a horse, a relaxing contrast to his current life. And then Dr. Eagleman wonders what magnificent creature in the past had decided as a relaxing contrast to become a human….. Here’s the point: one reason many of us look to this congregation is to help us consider questions we never before considered and won’t think about in any other context. Covenant groups, monthly gatherings to talk, listen, and get to know a group of one’s fellow Emersonians, offer that chance. Interested? Contact Reverend Mark, , to find out what groups are forming or already happening. No obligation….. And another opportunity came my way this year to similarly consider questions that usually don’t come up over the lunch table — or conventionally anywhere else, for that matter. I’m a mentor to a young woman in our “Coming of Age” program for 8th graders. Last Sunday she and I worked together to list what people might believe in – everything from true love to Santa Claus to the Trinity. And then the whole class shared their lists by categorizing each item as “provable” or “not provable,” which is not so contentious for Santa Claus or the Trinity but led to a provocative discussion for “true love.” To be a “Coming of Age” mentor is another chance for us as Emersonians to stretch our spiritual muscles and get to know some delightful young people. No experience necessary; contact Katy Carpman, —- Betsy Gelb