One word, yet it brings many thoughts to mind. It can hug our heart, bring a smile to our face, change how we see the world, and give us hope. There are many ways to show your gratitude in the world. Today and for the next few weeks, we invite you to share your gratitude for our church and congregation. Use the sticky note below and share whatever you wish. We will post our notes on the rolling display board in The Gathering Place.
We created the art above using your responses. If you’re curious, read on for the full remarks.
- The Support of Community
- The Joy of Friends
- Overcoming Irrational Fears
- Wonderful Supportive Community
- I’m glad Emerson provides a place for apostates from mainstream Christian churches to find an accepting religious community
- HOPE! Hope for a world that is thoughtful, peaceful, generous, and kind Hope that Emerson Provides
- A religious community that values our youth
- ACTion
- A progressive island in a conservative region
- A congregation with a legacy of environmental concern
- Unconversations (Sunday @10)
- Openmindedness
- A place to be spiritual without religious dogmatism
- Health, Good Fortune, Loving community, Becky & Mark, Good Life
- MUSIC – I am grateful for the choir, the singing, and the pianist
- Openness of congregation
- Freedom
- Making music with church friends
- People
- An unexpected opportunity to share
- Exploring with the Pre-K class
- Promote Unity
- Exploring my spirituality
- Meeting like minded people
- Learning how I can serve my community
- Singing!!
- Feeling included and a part of something
- Sadly disregarded in this overly money-obsessed me-me society. It needs literally to be taught in the schools but also sadly, likely never will be. Personally, I am grateful to be grateful and seek to emphasize its importance when doing so is appropriate.
- Choir
- Inclusivity and broad-mindedness
- If our children needed help you would be there
- Radical Inclusivity
- Logic
- Commitment to environmental issues
- Acceptance of all that I am
- Listening ear, wise words
- UU voice in the community.
- Good music, ideas at services
- I am grateful for new friends, hope, freedom to believe what I believe to be true, and circle dinners.
- A renewable congregation