How are you under construction right now? What are you working on, professionally and personally?

Our Family Library shelves under construction!
While our Sunday School schedule is a little lighter, I can make space for special projects. One tangible thing I’m excited about right now is working with our library team to restock the family shelves in the church library upstairs, filling it with storybook favorites and many resource books I’ve been collecting downstairs – making these books accessible to families at most any time!

And learning is inherent in any development- in June I attended General Assembly in New Orleans and in July I spend a week on staff at Goldmine Youth Leadership School in Ohio. I take time not just for planning the logistics of our next church year, but for reading and taking part in conversations with colleagues and Emersonians as we ponder how all of us might grow together.

And here’s our Summer Sunday School schedule for the month-

  • July 2: All ages attend worship together, hearing about General Assembly adventures
  • July 9: Henry David Thoreau, Living Deliberately
  • *July 16: Lydia Maria Child, Writing for Freedom
  • July 23: Beatrix Potter, Sharing Our Gifts
  • July 30: Vilhjalmur Stefansson, Learning from Others and Nature


Katy Carpman, Director of Religious Education

*And oh yes- I preach July 16th!

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