Rev. Ed. Proulx
Rev. Ed. ProulxMinister (he/him pronouns)
Emerson’s minister, the Reverend Ed Proulx, was born and grew up in New Hampshire.
Alejandra Gonzalez
Alejandra GonzalezCongregational Administrator
Alejandra (Ale) moved to Houston from south Texas to work for Emerson in the summer of 2016. She enjoys…
Julia Morsher
Julia MorsherDirector of Music (she/her pronouns)
Julia Morsher, our distinguished Music Director since 2021, brings a wealth of musical knowledge and experience to our congregation.
Shari Wright
Shari WrightUU Education Coordinator
In a variety of ways, RE Coordinator Shari Wright is a rarity. First, she is a native Houstonian. Second, the former amateur
Cheryl Rivers
Cheryl RiversBookkeeper
Cheryl is Emerson’s part-time bookkeeper. She has over 25 years of experience in financial management with several faith-based and non-profit organizations.
Patty Ryan
Patty RyanESL Program Coordinator
Patty was born in Houston and grew up in Pasadena. The first time she attended a UU church was in 1968 after…
Angel Rose
Angel RoseWorship Tech Coordinator (they/them pronouns)
Angel Rose is an artist, music producer, music therapist and sound engineer. They recently graduated
Hans Coster
Hans CosterSunday Sexton (he/him pronouns)
Rev. Dr. Becky Edmiston-Lange
Rev. Dr. Becky Edmiston-LangeMinister Emerita
The Rev, Dr. Becky Edmiston-Lange served Emerson UU Church for 21 years, 17 of them as Co-Minister with her husband, the Rev. Mark Edmiston-Lange. After Mark’s death in 2016, Becky continued as solo Senior Minister until retirement in 2020. Prior to Emerson, Becky served the Accotink UU Church in Burke, Va. (a suburb of D.C.) for thirteen years as Senior Minister.