Happy 2024,
Its a New Year. In the Chinese Zodiac, 2024 (starting on February 10) is the year of the Dragon.
The last couple dragon years were 2012, 2000 and 1988. Babies born in dragon years are considered to be lucky. Dragon years are considered to be auspicious years, years marked by upticks in strength, courage, creativity and innovation.
I don’t necessarily believe in Zodiac and things of that nature, per se. But I do believe that what we think upon, grows. Our intentions really do have some command over actual outcomes despite our inability to see the causation lines. I’m not claiming that we can use intentions to defy fate or facts…we can’t wish an illness or other pain to simply vanish. We can however, use intentions to change the way we approach a given year (or situation or relationship) so in that regard, I am all about the year of the dragon.
Why would we not go into 2024 thinking that it is fated to be an auspicious year for us as individuals and as a community? What would be the harm in waking up on February 10, 2024 and thinking to ourselves, “This year is going to be something special!”
I suppose you could say that if all you have is intention, you’re bound to be disappointed and I would agree with that. Confusing the way things should be with the way they actually are can cause us to live in a world that exists only in our minds at a time when this world here needs us quite desperately.
Personally, I am willing to take that risk. I am willing to risk being disappointed when my planning doesn’t pan out or when I or my community fall short. Remember, the process is at least as important as the outcomes.
So, we have reason to approach the challenges that lay ahead of us in 2024 with some enthusiasm, thanks to the dragon! Maybe the stars will help out. Maybe they won’t. Maybe we’ll get swept into a current that is going our way, pushing us along as we paddle or row or hoist our sails. Maybe we won’t. But given the option to think the current and the stars are going our way, I’ll take it.
Rev Ed
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May our intentions sweep us down a path for good, a better way for those less fortunate. Here’s to the auspicious year of the dragon!