Our Soul Matters theme this month is DELIGHT – what has caught you offguard with joy and wonder? Do you ever make whimsy dates with yourself?
Here’s our 11 AM plan for June:
- June 4: Flower Communion w/ children having a brief Can Do session as we prepare to help lead the distribution of the flowers
- June 11: Katy’s last Sunday! She and Rev. Michelle will lead the whole congregation in a Sunday School lesson in the pews! Party to follow.
- June 18: Learn the ancient strategy game of Go w/ guest teacher Michael Bloom. Also, Rev. Michelle’s final service at Emerson. Party to follow.
- June 25: Building blanket forts and having some reading time, led by Dori Wolfe. Note – we’ll be streaming the UU General Assembly worship, so program starts at 10 AM. Stay tuned to the e-blast for more deets.
And remember – the 10 AM hour is a great time to join families on the playground, or working on Legos in Room 111 on rainy Sundays!
We learn, we serve, and we create community together!