(Update: We are open for Sunday worship since Oct. 2021.) Like many of you, the COVID-19 Reopening Taskforce was looking forward to seeing each other in person in September. However, the Board, staff, and taskforce has decided to postpone the campus reopening until October. The COVID-19 Delta Variant is running rampant in Houston. Harris County is currently in Threat Level Red, indicating a severe threat of transmission of the virus in our area as hospitalizations continue to increase. We know that Delta is much more contagious than previous strains, with 1 person able to infect up to 8 people vs. 2 or 3 and that even fully vaccinated individuals can transmit the virus. We are all tired of feeling isolated from one another. However, we could not in good conscience put our members, staff, and friends at risk. The taskforce is closely monitoring the situation and plans to meet every 2 to 3 weeks to respond to new information. In the meantime, Emerson staff is working to outfit our sanctuary with live streaming equipment and ensure safety precautions so when we are ready to reopen, we can do so quickly. Thank you for working with us to keep each other safe. We will continue to update you with more information as it becomes available. -Katie Scott Reference: Tampa Bay Times 2021]]>
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Katie, I am sorry that you did not make it possible for us to answer positively to both options for connecting with the church services. So I clicked that I would watch online, but the reality is that I will probably enjoy attending in person from time to time, if that becomes an option.
I enjoy doing RE online, but its not at all the same to watch the worship service online. I miss the comraderie so much, as well as listening to the choir and others singing and getting to sing along. And there was always a lot of innovative things done during the in-person days. Seems long ago now, doesn’t it.
My best wishes to all of you,
It does seem long ago! I’m sure most are missing the camaraderie as well… online is great but not the same. Thank you Mary Evelynn for sharing your thoughts.
I, too, miss the cameraderie of being amongst people, especially those who attend Emerson. I am allergic to many things and feel uncomfortable returning in the presence of the unvaccinated. I would suggest that the unvaccinated could be seated in a section of the pews reserved strictly for them and that they be requested to use them as a favor to those who need more protection in addition to masks and social distancing. I would also suggest a separate area for coffee hour as well, with a sign displayed informing the non-vaccinated that this is to be where their coffee hour is to take place.
I know this sounds harsh coming from a UU member, but I am responsible not only for my own well-being but all those who come in contact with me.
Lorry Wolfe
I will forward your suggestions with the Reopening Taskforce. Not harsh at all… we completely understand. Thank you Lorry!