As April brings joyful signs of spring, I see joy bubbling up in the life of our church. Whether you find it in the special music coming from the “pit band” on a Sunday morning or witness it in the filling up of the church calendar (have you RSVP’d for the Kilgore Lecture?), do take a moment to recognize and celebrate the joy around you.
With spring comes the hope that we will successfully transition to a new settled minister. We have reached out to all Emerson households to share about the selection committee process – to build trust and know that when we vote for committee members on May 1, we will have confidence that those chosen will represent Emerson well as they take the next steps to find a settled minister.
Looking ahead, more joy comes from upcoming events – the May church retreat (May 20-22) and the June Innovative Energy Fest (June 19). Look for information about all these events and more in upcoming E-Blasts.