Today is November 5, 2024.  It’s a rainy morning here in Houston, and there is a strange, uneasy sense of calm.  The last few unread, certainly unanswered e-mails are trickling in.  The work has been done.  Today, most of us flip to being an anxious spectator.   

A lot is on the line.  Probably not for you or me directly, but for many I love, today is a pivoting day.  This makes the dissonance of the eerie calm seem even more present.  Will we collectively choose to lean into the uncertainty of our future or will we choose to claw back our more certain, yet often ugly past? 

Whatever it is, the decision has been made.  We will know of it tomorrow…or maybe we won’t.  Maybe today’s calm is a harbinger not of a resolution, but of chaos wrapped in a justice’s overcoat. 

Either way, we can only control what we can control.  The calm is outside of our control. The chaos is outside of our control.  Whether we choose to reach toward the future or claw back the past is outside of our control.  All we can do is prepare ourselves spiritually, each in our own way, to continue our journey toward the beloved community we seek, first thing tomorrow.   

Where that journey begins tomorrow is outside of our control, but the journey itself is certain. 

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