
Author: Long Range Planning Task Force

What’s in Emerson’s future? Your help is needed to identify the possibilities. We want Emerson to continue to be a vibrant asset to the community and for ourselves.

What changes could we be making to move us towards a balanced budget?  We can’t continue to draw money from the endowment.  We likely will need to make tradeoffs – We need to evaluate which programs are critical to our survival.  Which ones are critical for you?

Increasing income

We know that is important to retain membership and, if possible, grow membership.  How can we make this happen?  Which programs should we keep?  Should we invest in more programs? Publicity? What are your ideas?

Reducing Expenses

We have a large campus with buildings that require maintenance.  How can we reduce expenses?  Who are potential renters?  Should we invest in renovation of Westwood? Do you know artists or musicians who could use Westwood as performance space?  Teachers? Trainers?  Who should we reach out to?

Tell us:  How Can Emerson Become Sustainable?

ONLINE using a new form at https://forms.gle/qEc6vEebMDVMTM5q7  to collect your ideas for sustaining Emerson.


Come to our brainstorming session on November 12 to share your ideas!  The Task Force will use your ideas to develop its recommendations.  What ideas do you have? Come and share them because it’s always more fun to bounce ideas off each other.

In-Person Brainstorming Session with the Task Force:

Date:  Sunday, November 12

Time: 12:15 to 1:15 PM

Where: In The Gathering Place.  Free food.

Hosted by: Long Range Planning Task Force

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