I love that our 5th principle is use of (and I will add respect for) the democratic process. Even more, that we work to make the process fair to all, not just the privileged few. This is important work and this May we have lots of opportunity, beginning with our May 1st church meeting to elect our search committee to help us find a great settled minister so we can be a great church doing the great, necessary work of the church! Proxies are available and the meeting will be in person and online, so all can vote. And yes, there are run-off elections and primaries ongoing outside of church. We need to make our voices heard, and to that end, I am grateful we are contributing toward a multi-church coordinator to help with UU the Vote. Thank you for your contributions toward this initiative. No church is great with all work and no play, so I hope you will make time to come play with us at Brazos Bend State Park – if not for the whole retreat (May 20-22), then for just the day on Saturday. Yes, we will have air conditioning in the meeting space and good food. And yes, we will have lots of unstructured time to explore and commune with nature. Yes, too, there will be time to get to know each other better, to sing, to explore more deeply, and to give thanks for our many, many blessings. We hope to see you there! (Retreat RSVP: Deborah Wotring 713-504-0819)]]>