UPDATE – Adult Religious Education sessions restart Sunday, November 14 at 10 AM, in person in Westwood Hall AND online! We look forward to seeing you soon! (Previous post follows) Emerson’s Adult Religious Education team takes our ministry very seriously and has had an offering each Sunday throughout this pandemic. We know that you’ve come to count on this Sunday morning gathering for connection and inspiration. And as the church becomes a multiplatform church, with offerings online and in person, Sunday adult religious education will take a brief pause for retooling. We will have no 10 AM Adult RE sessions on October 24, October 31, or November 7. In the meantime, we offer up this starter list of resources* you might engage with, an asynchronous opportunity to grow in mind and spirit whenever and wherever you like! TED Talks: How to make choosing easier by Sheena Iyengar How to talk (and listen) to transgender people by Jackson Bird What my religion really says about women by Alaa Murabit The Power of Vulnerability by Brene Brown This is what LGBT life is like around the world by Jenni Chang and Lisa Dazols The urgency of intersectionality by Kimberlee Crenshaw We need to talk about an injustice by Bryan Stevenson When to take a stand, and when to let it go by Ash Beckham UU and Local Resources: The history of Unitarian Universalism in fifteen minutes or less, by Rev. Lee Paczulla Learn about our Article II Study Commission, looking at our Principles and Purposes Explore a little poetry! Learn about our October Share-the-Plate recipient, the Houston Area Women’s Center. Get ready to vote! (Not in Houston? Find your local ballot.) And of course, all are welcome in our worship services at 11 AM Central, either at the church or on YouTube. We look forward to sharing our programs with you again soon. Your Emerson Adult Religious Education Team *Got a resource to suggest? Something that gives you hope or makes you think? Leave a comment for us! ]]>