We handed the children twenty straws, a handful of paperclips, and a few lengths of painter’s tape. Could they build something to support the weight of a hymnal? They required no further instruction.

What does this have to do with Unitarian Universalism? Our heritage story was Antoinette Brown and Olympia Brown working to become ministers, and later inspiring countless other women in the struggle for the vote and later toward world peace.

The day’s lesson was about support—how a religious community can work together to help one another face challenges. This was also a conversation at our Religious Education Innovation Conversations on May 15 th —how can we support families in growing healthy, wise young Unitarian Universalists? Here are just a few of the ideas in the works—contact me if you’d like to be part of a working group!

 Offering Our Whole Lives (Comprehensive Sexuality Education) for All Ages, including sending 4+ adults to training this August

 Creating more intergenerational opportunities—game nights, field trips, and learning the history of our congregation from elders

 Honoring nature by integrating our gardens into Sunday School programs

In June we begin our Summer Sunday School with a World of New Friends, ages four to twelve learning about children of many faiths and cultures. As we do during the school year, children and teachers begin in the service with their families, then head to class in Room 108 around 11:15. Class dismisses at noon, though we may get caught up in our learning centers!

June 19th we all worship together—I’ll be leading a participatory service on Failing Forward.

And our Adult Religious Education hosts an all-minds brainstorm session on June 5th, and “Toolbox” classes later in the month–get some social media tools on June 12th, and learn how to better use your camera (or phone!) on June 19th.

Together we grow!

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