After a successful launch at the Fellowship Supper on October 5, Emerson’s 2025 Stewardship Campaign – Thriving in Heart and Mind – is in full swing! Thank you to all those who have already submitted their pledges. As of October 15, we have received pledges from 40 people/households, totaling $322,598, which is 63% of our goal of $515,000.

Why do we pledge? The simple answer is that our pledges allow the church to set a budget for the following year, with income from pledges covering most of the day-to-day operating costs of the church – keeping our beautiful campus running, paying our amazing staff, and so forth. (As our Board President, Hilary Ritz, has reminded us, this is no less true because of the incredibly generous gift we have received of $1 million over three years. That gift can help us secure Emerson’s future, but it can only do so if our operating expenses for any given year are covered through other income, primarily pledges.) Back to the question of why we pledge – the simple answer may be to keep the lights on, but the deeper answer is that we pledge because Emerson MATTERS. It matters to each one of us, and it matters to our community.

Each of us has chosen Emerson to be a part of our life for a reason (or for many reasons). Emerson provides a spiritual home that resonates with our values in a world that so often doesn’t. It provides an accepting, safe space for each of us to explore our spirituality. It provides a beloved community of diverse yet kindred souls. Within this community, many of us find dear friends, comfort, solace, support, connection, healing…and fun! From our service auction to our Circle Dinners to various and sundry celebrations, we enjoy our time together, full of fellowship, love, and laughter. And let’s not forget the music – each Sunday, we hear (or make!) beautiful music conducted by our talented Director of Music (and other talented members and friends, on occasion). And this list is just a start…we’d run out of room listing every activity Emerson provides, every opportunity for connection, and every benefit it creates in our lives. It is a special place.

Moreover, as Reverend Ed reminded us both at the Fellowship Supper and at the service the following day, our community is better because Emerson is in it. Our ESL program improves the lives of immigrants and their families, providing essential language skills to help them thrive. Through our Outreach Committee and Share-the-Plate, we support numerous non-profit organizations doing good work in Houston and beyond. Through Ministry for Earth and our Social Action Council, we help care for our planet and its inhabitants. These are all tangible ways in which we live out our principles. However, Emerson also makes a difference in a more intangible way. It serves as a progressive bastion of sorts, proclaiming the inherent worth and dignity of every person – and our other principles – in a world where that is sorely needed.

This – all of this – is why we pledge. Whether we attend services every Sunday or once in a while, or participate in the life of Emerson in other ways, each of us benefits from this special place, this beloved community. The broader community benefits from Emerson’s existence and contribution. The community needs Emerson. We – each of us – need Emerson in our own way. And Emerson needs us too. We must provide the “fuel” to keep Emerson going – our time, talent, and, with regard to the Stewardship Campaign, our treasure.

If you have already pledged, thank you. If you have yet to pledge, we hope that you’ll think about how Emerson matters for you, perhaps for your family, for your friends in the congregation, and for the community – and then pledge generously, at whatever level works for you and/or your family.

Every pledge matters. This is perhaps even more so this year when we have an extra special incentive. To encourage us all to be angels (timely angels!), we have members willing to contribute an additional $5,200 if 98% of members have pledged by October 27 (postmarked 10/26 if mailing your pledge form). Additionally, another $500 (above and beyond the $5,200 for Emerson), will be donated to Habitat for Humanity to support recovery in the aftermath of Hurricanes Helene and Milton.

So, please bring your pledge form to church, put it in the mail (by 10/26), pledge online at, or use the QR code provided in your stewardship materials by October 27. If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at or call or find any member of the Stewardship Committee. Help us meet our goal of $515,000 in pledges – and, in doing so, help us all, as individuals and as a beloved community, thrive in heart and mind!

With love & gratitude,

Your 2025 Stewardship Committee – Laurie Hammons, Alejandra Posada, & Dori Wolfe


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