These guidelines are intended for internal use by staff, members and volunteers who need to communicate to the church community. Emerson Unitarian Universalist Church publicizes information about programs and events connected to its ministries.

All submissions are subject to approval by staff. Deadlines and lead-times reflect this need.

If you have something to communicate and are not sure of the best method to reach your constituents, contact Congregational Administrator, Alejandra for assistance.

How to get the word out:

We publicize information about Emerson and our activities in our E-Blast (weekly electronic newsletter), Sunday announcement reel, our website (, our social media pages (Facebook, Instagram), occasional press releases, and on specialized printed materials and flyers for placement on bulletin boards and kiosks.

Suggestions before you submit:

  • Read the corresponding guidelines below before writing copy

  • Send submissions on or before the due date

  • Keep in mind that copy will be proofread and edited according to church guidelines, style/standards, and word count/space constraints.

  • Each announcement should include, in this order: Event Title / Teaser, Date, Time, Location. Description. Contact information. (or RSVP by date for response: contact information).

Emerson Communications Guidelines

How to Schedule and publicize your event or news:

1. Check the church calendar to see if your event date is open.
2. If the date is open, please send your request to Ale by email at Click here to view what to include in your email.

Once your event is approved, create a short teaser about your event and send to Ale no later than Mondays at noon. Click here to view what to include in your email.

  1. Once your event is approved, create a short teaser about your event and send to Ale no later than Mondays at noon. Click here to view what to include in your email.
  2. Purpose: Provides timely updates about church news, events and activities to all subscribers. On a rotating basis, content may include “Save-the-Date” and “Ongoing Activities”.
  3. Frequency: Weekly (typically sent on Wednesday afternoons)
  4. Distribution: Those who opt in to the Emerson e-blast subscriber list.
  5. Source: Members of the church submit content related to/or that take place at church.
  6. Links: To a contact person and/or a webpage within our website or an external URL
  7. Submissions: Attachments are welcome. Submit photos for use at editor’s discretion and according to space available. Content may be further edited by staff for clarity or space constraints.
  8. Word count: Maximum 50 words including contact name and email. Please use your word count tool to ensure that your submission does not exceed 50 words. Click here for a free online word count tool.
  1. Purpose: Promotes Emerson to external audiences and potential members; provides timely information to members about programs, church resources, and events.
  2. Updating: Ongoing
  3. Submissions: Email new content for placement.
  4. Deadline: Submissions for website postings must be done at least 5 business days in advance. If you require a new page, complicated layouts, or front page carousel placement, please submit 10 business days in advance.
  1. Purpose: Information about upcoming church events; recent photo highlights; timely news and updates (closings, response to national event, etc.); inspirational material; sermon recaps; etc.
  2. Frequency: Several times per week
  3. Distribution: Twitter “followers” and Facebook “fans”
  4. Source: Content derived from website, newsletter, e-blast and order of service but may be unique (e.g. a photo album not published elsewhere)
  5. Links: To a contact person and/or a webpage within our website or an external URL
  6. Submissions: Email new content for placement. Image attachments are welcome.
  7. Scheduling: Intention to submit content should be provided at least a week in advance.
  8. Word count: Maximum 30 words including contact name and e-mail.

Purpose: To inform the greater community of our major events/accomplishments

  1. Frequency: Produced as needed based on scope of community appeal
  2. Distribution: Local media
  3. Submissions: At least 6 weeks prior to event, submit the idea, time frame and rough draft/major points to the Communications Team . The release will typically be sent to the local media a few weeks prior to the event.
    • Editing and formatting at the discretion of the Communications team
  1. Purpose: Provide visual information about Emerson programs/ministries at designated locations across campus. Flyers with photos are encouraged.
  2. Submissions: Committees are encouraged to create their own flyers for their programs/ministries.

Purpose: Post upcoming events, photo recaps, or timely videos about ministry activities and initiatives

  1. Source: PowerPoint content
  2. Frequency: Weekly
  3. Submission: Contact Alejandra if interested. Please provide photos and images. Event title, date, time and location required (20 word count limit). More text will be added if space allows.
  4. Deadline: Monday by noon for that week.
  1. Approved postings may be shared via Emerson’s YouTube account or on the Emerson website.
  2. Submissions: Send to Communications Team
  1. Produced at the discretion of the Communications Department in special circumstances based on scope of appeal
  2. Contact the office for more information.

Questions? Contact Alejandra Gonzalez.