Dr. Kenneth Ray Vincent was born in El Paso, Texas August 20, 1943 to William Bell Vincent and Virginia La Verne Parten Vincent. His family moved to San Antonio in 1945 and lived there until 1959. They then moved to Houston when his father was transferred. He earned a B.Sc. in Psychology and an M.Ed. in Counseling from the University of Houston and a Ed.D. in Counseling Psychology from the University of Northern Colorado.
Ken had three careers in psychology; first as a counselor in the War on Poverty programs of the Kennedy/Johnson administrations; the second as a psychologist working at Texas Rehabilitation Commission and the Hauser Psychiatry and Neurology Clinic; and the third as a professor of Educational Psychology at the University of Houston and at Houston Community College.
Concurrent with his career in psychology and continuing after his retirement in 2001, he had an avocational career as a writer and religious/spiritual experience researcher. Ken is the author of VISIONS OF GOD FROM THE NEAR-DEATH EXPERIENCE; THE MAGI: FROM ZOROASTER TO THE “THREE WISE MEN”; THE GOLDEN THREAD: GOD’S PROMISE OF UNIVERSAL SALVATION, and his on-line book; GOD IS WITH US, WHAT NEAR-DEATH AND OTHER SPIRITUALLY TRANSFORMATIVE EXPERIENCES TEACH US ABOUT GOD AND AFTERLIFE.
He was active in Interfaith organizations and the Foundation for Contemporary Theology and served as webmaster for the UNIVERSALIST HERALD. Ken married the love of his life Pamela Kay Thomas-Sitton in 1993 and they lived happily ever after.
In addition to his wife Pam, Ken is survived by his son Kenneth Rumsey Vincent, stepson Clark William Sitton, daughters in law Virginia and Veronique and grandsons, Phillip, Christopher, Ian and Charles.
The memorial service will take place at Emerson Unitarian Universalist Church on Wednesday, July 3, 2024 at 2 PM.