Search Committee Vote: It turns out, following the UUA guidelines for selecting the search committee that we adopted last fall, the congregation actually voted by popular vote for 5 of the 7 candidates. The Board of Trustees, in executive session, deliberated on which 2 of the remaining 9 candidates would best round out the committee to be as representative as possible of the church as a whole. Again, we are grateful for all who were willing to serve in this important role and we can trust that the selected committee will serve us well in finding a called and settled minister. UU the Vote Multi-Church Coordinator: Thank you for your donations to our share of this position. We have raised over $1,000 toward our $3,000 share. Glad we can “Share the Plate!” Church “Connections” Retreat: As noted in the E-Blast, details about the May 20-22 retreat can be found HERE. Saturday visitors are welcome. Last day to RSVP with Deborah Wotring (via text 713-504-0819) is Thursday, May 12.]]>

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