Your support of Emerson determines our ability to make that future of beloved community a reality. By giving generously, you can help ensure Emerson will continue to provide the programs we have today, and support the values we seek to pass on to our children and others who come after us. Every pledge matters! Your pledge is important to the future of our church. It is important to your life as well.

Supporting Emerson means sharing your time and talent, as well as your treasure. Opportunities for sharing your time and talent can be found on the Volunteer page and on the Social Action page.

Pledge Form

Successful Pledge Drive Concludes

Pledging support for  Emerson

A pledge is a promise to donate a certain amount of money to the church and its ministries during the calendar year. Pledges account for more than 80% of our operating budget. We need to know what income to expect for the year for strategic planning of our programs.

Our annual fundraising campaign is called a stewardship campaign. Stewardship is the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one’s care. We steward our resources to ensure the church is there for this generation and for generations to come. Every year we have a Fall Fellowship Dinner where future plans are presented and pledges may be turned in.

Any gift you give is appreciated. We ask you to consider a fair share, reflecting that those with larger incomes can afford to give a higher percentage of their income. Depending on income and commitment level, the suggested pledge amount ranges from 1% to 10% of annual income.

If your income is highly variable, or if you are retired, you’ll find some helpful hints on determining your gift in this article.

By the first of November if possible, so we can budget for the following year.

  1. Use the ONLINE form or download a PRINTABLE pledge form (see the links above), fill it out and return to Emerson Church at 1900 Bering Drive, Houston, TX 77057.
  2. Make a one-time or recurring gift online, or by mobile app.
  3. Simply email Be sure to indicate if your pledge is a fair-share pledge.