Bring out your jazz hands, because it’s time once again to begin planning for this year’s auction, with the theme “Life is a Cabaret”! Mark your calendars for Saturday, May 17, 6 – 9 PM in Westwood Hall.
Silent Auction Only! No live auction, only a silent action using old school paper bid sheets, which will be laid out in Delaney Hall starting in April. Silent bidding will end on the night of the auction, followed by a fabulous party for all ages with food, fun, and fellowship!
One thing that has NOT changed is our focus on community, not only during the auction party, but also in terms of the offerings to be auctioned. Think about what we can do with and for each other – parties, outings, workshops, vacation home stays, sporting events, performances, museum visits, hikes, homemade goodies (edible or otherwise) – anything that brings us together in meaningful ways.
To donate items/experiences for the auction, please use or the QR code below. Alternatively, you can fill out a paper form and deposit it in the box in Delaney Hall. If you have any questions or need assistance with donations, please contact Marci at or 713-775-8396. We’d like to have information on as many of the donations as possible by the end of March, so please consider what you can offer to our community and fill out a form(s) in the next few weeks.
Watch for additional information on admission tickets, sponsorships, and bidding in the weeks ahead.
For now, mark your calendars for May 17!
Alejandra Posada, Marci Collier for the Auction Team