Emerson UU Church Trusts and Respects Women
Emerson is one of four churches in Houston, TX that voted to become a Reproductive Freedom Congregation.
What is a Reproductive Freedom Congregation?
Reproductive Freedom Congregations publicly affirm three principles:
Learn more at https://justtx.org.

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From the UUA President: UUs Remain Committed to Reproductive Justice
This decision manifests the worst fears of those of us who have been working for decades to protect and affirm reproductive rights.
The Dobbs vs. Jackson Women’s Health decision does not alter Unitarian Universalists’ commitment to Reproductive Justice.
The overwhelming majority of Unitarian Universalists (UUs) support keeping abortion legal in all or most cases. This is rooted in our Principles and our core religious beliefs that affirm gender equity. It also reflects a moral commitment to the idea that reproductive care is healthcare and is essential to the well-being of individuals and families.
Unitarian Universalists Support Reproductive Rights
Roe v. Wade Overturned
What Would the End of Roe Mean?
all people, including, and especially, those who identify as men. Imagine a world in which… You are responsible for every pregnancy you help to conceive. That means being physically, emotionally, and financially present for every child, whether conceived intentionally or accidentally, assuming you are a responsible kind of guy.
March 26, 2022 – State of Belief Podcast: The Rev. Dr. Daniel Kanter, senior minister of First Unitarian Church of Dallas, joins Rev. Welton Gaddy, host of State of Belief, to discuss the faithful opposition to anti-choice laws in Texas – including physically accompanying women across state lines for necessary heath care.