Since there are no ESL classes during the summer, one might think not much is going on in the ESL office now. Think again! Patty Ryan, our ESL program coordinator, has been busy getting ready for the Fall semester which begins on September 3rd. Registration for the Fall semester is on Saturday, August 24th. Patty has been busy recruiting more teachers and students. There are two elementary schools and one high school close to Emerson that have a large percentage of Hispanic students. We know it’s important for the parents of these students to be able to communicate with their child’s teachers. Patty is distributing ESL program flyers to the students at these schools so they can take them home to their parents. We are also excited that we are adding another class level to our program. Beginning in September, we will have five levels of classes.

We are always looking for more volunteer teachers and support personnel. If you have any questions about our ESL program or would like to share in the fun and enjoyment all our teachers and volunteers experience, you can reach us by emailing

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