In 1991 photojournalist Richard Doughty began documenting daily life in the Gaza Strip, and in 1993-95 he collaborated with Palestinian sociologist Dr. Mohammed el-Aydi, Ph.D., to produce the book Gaza: [...]
“What is Being?” This question has been asked by both philosophy and religion for over 2500 years. Back before Socrates, and including Plato and Aristotle. But very recently, just in [...]
UUs often say “we support immigration.” What does this mean? Should undocumented individuals be provided with the opportunity to obtain legal status? If so, should they meet any requirements? – [...]
The Path Forward for Redistricting Reform or Ending Gerrymandering in Texas When it comes to social justice causes, which one are you most passionate about? Has your cause moved forward [...]
A look at the sermon by the Rev. Dr. Frank Schulman, minister at Emerson from 1963 to 1988. Drawing from the four Gospels, Schulman distills the essence of Jesus’s teachings [...]