Unitarian Universalism: A Pro-Choice Faith
In truth, the Right to Choose has been endorsed by the Unitarian Universalist Association since 1987, wherein they made a General Resolution which supported a pro-choice position. You can read the full General Resolution here, but here are a few key ideas.
We do support family planning and responsible sex. We believe any person has the right to determine when, if, and how they want to have children.
Our Pro-Choice Church
Emerson Church has joined 26 other churches in Texas as a Reproductive Freedom Congregation. This means we publicly affirm three principles:
Emerson backed this commitment with concrete, collective action. For instance… on May 3, 2022, we demonstrated at Houston’s City Hall to protest Texas’ abortion laws.

Visit Emerson Unitarian Universalist Church
If you are pro-choice, then you can find a church home at Emerson or any other Unitarian Universalist church.
You will even find a place where you may productively engage in collective pro-choice activism with other like-minded individuals who share your views.