Volunteering at Emerson can help you truly feel it is your community.

People usually find that making connections with others and contributing in some way makes membership more meaningful. The following activities are especially “new member friendly.”

Share your time and talent with Emerson!

  • Bring food when the Caring Committee provides receptions after memorial services held at Emerson.

  • Welcome those entering the Sanctuary on Sundays and assist with visitor name tags. You’ll be part of a team of two or three greeters, and this is an ideal role for new members who recall what it was like to walk in as a newcomer. You can volunteer for a regular once-per-month slot or whatever works for you.

  • Come help keep Emerson’s campus beautiful on Spring and Fall Campus Cleanup days.

  • Help with seasonal religious education celebrations like our Halloween activities, Deck the Halls potluck, or Easter Egg Hunt.

  • As an Usher, help set up for the worship service, collect the offering, and assist guests and visitors.

  • Join Emerson Helping Hands. It is a great way to help each other by meeting those short term physical needs that occur when a church member has surgery, a new child, experiences a loss, or any of the myriad of other changes and events that happen during our lives.

Help in Houston and the world!

Many groups at Emerson are helping to build a better world in Houston and beyond. Your help would be welcome at any of the projects described in the Social Action section.
In addition, we encourage you to help out at the organizations that receive one of the monthly Share-the-Plate collections.