For Our Future – So much is going on in the life of this church. Thank you for participating in the survey and the cottage meetings being hosted by the Search Committee. Your input is invaluable. In case you missed it, the Transition Team held the final discernment workshop last night. While just one piece of the puzzle, I think it is worthy of sharing the succinct outcome – Major Themes That Would Be Important in Future Ministry: ❖ Communication – for the next minister to have good communication skills ❖ Connection – for the next minister to be warm and approachable, able to bond with and nurture relationships with people ❖ Collaboration – for the next minister to have good collaboration skills in working with the congregation and the Board and the staff ❖ Ability to hear constructive criticism ❖ Ability to be a leader in terms of setting a tone of both welcome and appreciation for all people Major Themes That Are Important for the Congregation to Consider in Its Role: ❖ A need to adjust expectations so they are more realistic ❖ To pay attention to communication structures and ensure there are multiple avenues of communication ❖ To take care with establishing a relationship with the next minister right from the beginning that includes clear expectations of each other ❖ That while the minister might set a tone of welcome and appreciation, it is the congregation’s responsibility to put it in action We held a fun auction with live entertainment, raising an amazing amount of funds for our operational budget and to “spruce it up!” in preparation for our new called and settled minister. (Pictured is Mary’s edible blueberry pear hedgehog!) When I think about this year’s Stewardship moto “For Our Future”, I now hear Shan playing music from Star Trek! We are going boldly, with joy and a sense of adventure. Look for the envelope with the logo, consider your commitment this this our beloved church, and send back your pledge card soon – for our future! Thank you for journeying with us.]]>