Thank you!

We launched the campaign on Saturday, October 5, with a fabulous Fellowship Supper in Westwood Hall. (A huge thanks to the Buildings & Grounds Committee and all those who worked over the past several months to have electricity and A/C restored to Westwood Hall and to have it cleaned!) We had a full house at the Fellowship Supper, with 58 Emersonians and friends enjoying a delicious meal prepared and served by chef Mary Cochran and her fantastic crew including Nancy Lipp, David Nielson, and Ruth Wolinsky. Many guests enjoyed a glass of wine generously provided by Janet Meininger and Robin Sickles, Carol Trout and Larry Huelbig, Laurie and Bill Hammons, and Linda and Michael Condit. Thank you to our chef, kitchen crew, and providers of libations! Thank you also to all our Table Hosts who helped create a beautiful, festive, convivial environment; to Bill Hammons for serving as our photographer; and to Kris Taylor and Beryl Kaminsky for all their help preparing for and during the event! And thank you to all who helped set up and clean up – apologies for not including all your names here, but the list would be too long! And of course, thank you to all who attended and made this evening one of true fellowship. See photos below.

Our Minister Emerita, the Rev. Dr. Becky Edmiston-Lange, started the evening with a beautiful blessing. After the main course, guests heard from the Stewardship Committee, and Rev. Ed closed out the evening with a reminder that our community is better with Emerson in it. Many people turned in their pledges Saturday evening, as well as Sunday following the service. Those who pledged this weekend received a special treat – a scrumptious homemade cookie baked by Laurie Hammons – yum! Additionally, each person who pledged was invited to put their name on a paper heart and stick it on a beautiful tree designed by Ruth Wolinsky. As the number of hearts on the tree grows, we are reminded that each one of us is part of the whole. We each have a role to play in helping our beloved community thrive, and hopefully the Emerson community in turn helps each of us to thrive in heart and mind.

What’s next?

If you didn’t have a chance to pick up your pledge form on Saturday or Sunday, it was mailed out on Monday, so you should receive it soon (if you haven’t already). Please take a look at the accompanying materials and reach out to, or give any of the Stewardship Committee members a call, if you have any questions. You can mail or bring your pledge form to the church or pledge online via the link or QR code provided in your pledge materials. We hope all will pledge generously, at whatever level works for you or your family. Every pledge, no matter the amount, makes a difference in ensuring that our church can continue to thrive – and help each one of us thrive – in the year to come. Please make your pledge by October 28 so that the 2025 budget can be finalized by the end of the year. This year, we also have a special incentive – if 98% of our members submit their pledges (postmarked if mailed) by October 28, a group of generous donors will gift Emerson an additional $5,200, PLUS a $500 contribution will be given to Habitat for Humanity to support recovery efforts in the wake of Hurricane Helene.

Neither Saturday’s Fellowship Supper nor the Stewardship Campaign would be possible without the time and talent of many Emersonians. A huge thanks to all those mentioned above, and apologies along with a huge thanks to anyone we’ve forgotten to name here! Here’s to a successful 2025 Stewardship Campaign allowing our church and all who love it to thrive in heart and mind!

With gratitude,

Your 2025 Stewardship Committee – Laurie Hammons, Alejandra Posada, & Dori Wolfe

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