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Why are homelessness and poverty such hard problems to solve? What stands in the way of addressing them effectively? What can we, as Unitarian Universalists, individually and collectively, do to help? Our Worship Services are weekly reflections weaving together our own thoughts and experiences with [...]
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May you freakin’ sparkle
Many of you asked for a copy of the letter that Reverend Sean Neil-Barron wrote in response to a letter addressed to the church he serves condemning them as non-Christian [...]
Resist Breathe Don’t give up; don’t give in. Empire thrives on despair Hope is resistance. Resist! Breathe Don’t tune out Stay engaged; stay informed. Empire [...]
The Gulf of America
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How a Child’s Act of Kindness Replicates Ramadan Tradition
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Great Opportunities Ahead!
Dear beloved community, With the coming of the [...]
Life’s a Cabaret Auction!
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