Our Stewardship Campaign for 2025, Thriving in Heart and Mind, has come to an end. We received 93 pledges totaling $486,653, which is 94% of our goal of $515,000. Thank you to everyone who pledged! Your pledges make it possible for Emerson to continue serving its members and the community well. At this point, the Stewardship Committee is handing the baton to the Finance Committee, which will use this information about expected pledge income as they prepare a budget for 2025 to be presented to the Board, and ultimately to the Congregation, for approval.

Although the campaign has ended, if you have not pledged and wish to do so, Emerson will still benefit from your contribution. You may still pledge online or using a paper pledge form that you can bring or mail to the church. Pledges are welcome at any time, though the sooner, the better, so the Finance Committee can plan accordingly.

Finally, the Stewardship Committee (Laurie Hammons, Alejandra Posada, & Dori Wolfe) would like to thank everyone who helped make this campaign possible. We won’t list everyone who contributed to the Fellowship Supper, as they were recognized in an earlier blog post and the list would be too long (but we’re still grateful to them!). So many people played a role in the campaign, and we would especially like to recognize Beryl Kaminsky, Ruth Wolinsky, Jill Rose, Alejandra Gonzalez, and Reverend Ed, as well as our Calling Stewards and our Thank You Note Writers. We are so grateful for your support, and for the support of each person who helped or pledged. Thank you all for helping our beloved community thrive in heart and mind!

Alejandra Posada, Laurie Hammons, Dori Wolfe