The service of installation that will cement our relationship to Reverend Ed Proulx is a vital milestone for the Emerson UU Church congregation. It tangibly acknowledges that our loss and grief over Reverend Mark Edmiston-Lange’s passing, the disarray caused by Covid, the retirement of Reverend Becky Edmiston-Lange, and the series of new faces in our pulpit during the subsequent transition periods have finally come to an end. Our settled minister has ‘settled in’ over the past year and it’s time to celebrate!

How will we do that? With a party, of course! After the service of installation – with all its pomp and circumstance – wraps up, everyone is invited to Westwood Hall to enjoy a typical Texas barbecue dinner catered by Pizzitola’s BBQ. We’ll start with drinks – alcoholic and non – then meander to our tables for dinner. While everyone enjoys the food and drink, a trio of musicians called Banish Misfortune will entertain us with folksongs from Celtic and American traditions. Those musicians are our friends Mim and Ed Freiter and their son Erik. Among them, they play the harp, the flute, the pipe, the fiddle, and the guitar. Get ready for wonderful musical entertainment.

And what do we need from you to make this celebration extraordinary? Most importantly, we need your RSVP! We need to know by October 18th how many people we are feeding. That’s just a few days, folks. If you can’t mail your RSVP card back in time, scan the QR code and do it easily online. If that’s a problem, call the church office (713-782-8250) and let us know by phone. But please, RSVP today!!

We also need some helpers. Can you help set up Westwood Hall for dinner on Friday, November 1st  ? (We’ll finalize the time when we know who our volunteers are.) Can you help us put up decorations that make Westwood Hall look Texas-friendly? We need ideas and help making those ideas reality. We also need just a few people who could offer rides to and from the Installation for members who don’t have transportation. (And if you are someone needing a ride, please call the office and let us know.)

Like RSVPs, we need to know as soon as possible who will help make this the best celebration ever. I hope you will volunteer! Email me at to sign up. I promise not to work you too hard!

Lane Devereux

Installation Chair

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