The Unknown Knows Me – Rev. Nell Newton

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Event Series Event Series: Sunday Service

“I turn my face, and stare into space. I know the Unknown and the Unknown knows me.”  The Crazy World of Arthur Brown “The Unknown”
What with the Universe being so massively large, and what with each one of us being little parts of this Universe, it seems a bit silly to think that it might have any interest in any of us. It would be akin to a human paying attention to one small cell in their little toe. And, yet, when we turn our face out towards space there is no reason to think that it might not be noticing!

Our Worship Services are weekly reflections weaving together our own thoughts and experiences with music, beauty, poetry, and words that both comfort and challenge. Our programs for all ages inspire us, and awaken us to our capacities to make a difference in our own lives and in the world.

Join us online this Sunday at 11 AM:

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