Love as the Default of the Universe – Catherine Vance

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Event Series Event Series: Sunday Service

As UUs, social justice and care for others is an integral part of our faith expression. But when we strive to be more compassionate, forgiving, and loving, sometimes we become daunted by all the WORK we’re doing. What if we remember that behind our mind chatter, there is a steady state, a field of unconditional love which is the default, the natural way of the Universe? What if we stopped struggling, stopped the anxious stories we tell ourselves, and opened ourselves to noticing, receiving, and celebrating that presence?

Our Worship Services are weekly reflections weaving together our own thoughts and experiences with music, beauty, poetry, and words that both comfort and challenge. Our programs for all ages inspire us, and awaken us to our capacities to make a difference in our own lives and in the world.

Join us online this Sunday at 11 AM:

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