When can you join us? These ongoing groups always welcome new members. Check the weekly E-blast for changes in the schedule. 


The Wednesday Stitchers bring their needlework, beginning or advanced, to Westwood Hall and stitch with friends, new and old. Meets Wednesdays, 11 AM to 3:00 PM.


Check the Emerson E-blast for updates on what our book groups are reading!


Choir Rehearsal – No experience necessary! Contact Julia Morsher on how to join! Meets every Wednesday at 7:00 PM in our Sanctuary.

Beginners’ Meditation Group – Meets in Westwood Hall the first Monday of the month from 7-8:15 p.m. You can join the group at any time, whether beginner or experienced in meditation. We are all learning from each other. We typically practice silent meditation, but may try other forms such as guided meditation or walking meditation. Our typical meeting includes a short check-in or introduction, a 15-20 minutes silent meditation, then a break for a stretch and conversation about our practice or sharing a brief reading, followed by another period of silent meditation. We welcome people from all backgrounds and spiritual practices. Email Marci on how to join!

Ready to Get Involved?! Email the office to Get Started!

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