Whether you are a newcomer or a longtime Emersonian, whether you are interested in probing life’s most persistent questions or finding out what others think about today’s news, we have something for you here.
Emerson offers lectures and discussions to encourage life-long spiritual growth. These classes are free and open to the public, providing spiritual nourishment to the community.

Adult Religious Education offerings are currently online and in Room 205-206 (upstairs Delaney Hall) at 10 AM. Be sure to sign up for the weekly newsletter, the e-blast, to get the meeting link.

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Upcoming 10 AM Offerings

Join us for Adult Religious Education (ARE) every Sunday at 10 AM! Click here on Sunday to join our online [...]

Labyrinth Meditation led by Mary Fehr

April 6 @ 10:00 am - 11:00 am

Join us for Adult Religious Education (ARE) every Sunday at 10 AM! Click here on Sunday to join our online [...]

Adult Religious Education

April 13 @ 10:00 am - 11:00 am

Join us for Adult Religious Education (ARE) every Sunday at 10 AM! Click here on Sunday to join our online [...]

Help Plan Future Offerings

Got an idea for an adult religious education program? Send your suggestions to AdultRE@emersonhouston.org.

Our goal is not to provide all of the answers, but to aid in setting people on the path to discovery. In the spirit of the Fourth Principle of the Unitarian Universalist Association…“We covenant to affirm and promote…A free and responsible search for truth and meaning.”

Want to join our Adult RE planning team? Drop a message to AdultRE@emersonhouston.org. Our team meets online, usually on the second Tuesday of each month.

Recurring Activities

For many additional ways to grow in mind and spirit, check out our Connections pages.