Mission of the Lay Pastoral Ministry Team (LPMT)
The mission is to help our minister provide a ministry of hope and caring so that no member of our congregation need be alone. We carry out this mission as supportive and confidential listeners to help those going through a life crisis, maintaining contact with those unable to attend church due to illness or disability, supporting friends and family involved in care giving, and comforting the bereaved.
The Team provides a listening presence for a congregation member or friend who would like to talk during a stressful time in their life.

How do I request Pastoral help?
To request help,
Who is on the Lay Pastoral Ministry Team?
The team is made up of volunteers who provide confidential service to others. They have undergone specialized training to develop their listening skills to be a supportive and accepting ministry of presence to those who are going through stressful times in life.
Can I Join the Lay Pastoral Ministry Team?
Yes, you can. You are invited to get trained for this valuable ministry. To find out more about training, contact Ian Sachs, the Team Coordinator..
If I have questions, who can I contact?
- Reverend Ed Proulx; Work: 713-782-8250 Ext 125 minister@emersonhouston.org
- Ian Sachs, Coordinator; Cell: 713-201-7907 isachs@houstonmethodist.org